o origonal é de 25 de março de 2011. eu estava me perguntando se ainda haveria uma possibilidade de volta, mas...
talvez nem metade dos '' modinhas'' saibam o quanto jj e a wcc foram importantes no resgate de tanta coisa da cultura biker e kustom, mas pra quem nao sabe do que eu estou falando, assistam os videos, leiam os livros, e mais ainda comparem o que ele fazia, e o que estava sendo feito no ''main stream''.
no dia 25 de março passado foi removido do telhado do galpão onde foi o quartel general da WCC. o proprio Jesse james postou em seu twitter esta imagem e como se sentia.
eu G.Targino sinto muito pois acho q nao haverá outra fase destas.
abaixo o texto extraido do blog do Cyril Huze
Like many I am on Twitter exchanging 140-character limit tweets with many friends and followers belonging or not to the motorcycle industry.
Yesterday, Jesses James tweeted this image of the West Coast Choppers sign being removed from the roof of his ex Long Beach shop closed since October 16, 2010.
Jesse sent this image with the following tweet. ”This picture just makes me really sad. It just hits home that it is really over. End of an Era…”
It makes me sad too because the decade 1995-2005, although full of excesses, was also a beautiful business period for many of us belonging to the custom motorcycle industry. An exceptional time with an explosion of creativity and the acknowledgment by the public at large of our profession. Most of us being now baby boomers, and the economy being what it is, most of us will probably never live again during our lifetime such a booming professional decade. Sadness and nostalgia just hit me too…
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